Friday 24 February 2012

Tony Howell

Tony Howell
I have been looking on Tony Howells website at some of his landscape photography work.
And i really like his use of diagonal lines in his landscape work. here are some examples:

This photograph is brilliant and i just love the stillness of the water, i wish that we had this sort of landscape in dorset and hampshire, the reflection of the hills is just like a reflection in a mirror.

I also really like this photo because of the contrasting diagonal lines with the poles in the ground. It is also a great picture of something that could so easily hae been captured and made to look amatuer or boring. But it looks amazing, and the sun disapearing beneath the horizon in the backround is spectacular.                                                                                                                                                                                 

This is another awsome example of his work, this photo was taken in france.
This is a sunrise in the south of france, and it is by far my favourite. It is just so dramatic and intense.

Tony Howell is one of England's finest landscape photographers. A professional photographer with over 30
years experience, he is based in Somerset, near Bristol. His style is instantly recognisable - simple, uncluttered compositions and an overall sense of peace and stillness borne out of his deep love of the natural world.

Tony Howell's photographs have been used in countless books, calendars, magazines, on BBC TV, in a Hollywood Movie, billboards, brochures, catalogues, greeting cards, posters, postcards, websites, national newspapers, fleets of vans and much more.

Clients include National Geographic, The BBC, Christies, Royal Mail, The Tate, The National Trust, Penguin Books, Unicef, The Forestry Commission, and many more.....

Tony Howell, September 2006


Tony Howell with his
39 megapixel camera
Camera Gear                                                                                Tony in 1982 with his Rolleiflex 2.8F

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Poole Harbour Shoot

Poole Harbour Shoot
On the 17th of February I travelled to Poole harbour were I took some photographs of the shore and a washed up boat there. I tried to photograph them in the style of Bill Brandt and Arno Rafael Minkkinen were I have a landscape with a body part in the forground.

This picture is one that I have edited, I have photoshped the hand in and changed it into B&W.

This one is a close up of the chain on the boat, I like how it is quite disorientating, with the sea on a tilt and the chain not going straight down, also there is a deep heavy looking sky.

As you can see all of these photos were taken with my fish eye lens, this one is fully zoomed out so it gives the effect that you are looking through a boat window. The stones on the beach are also distorted, and i think that this looks  cool. The boats decay is also very detailed and then you have the mysteriouse blurred figure in the background.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Arno Rafael Minkkinen

This is some of Arno Rafael Minkkinen work, it is related in a way to Bill Brandts work with a body part in it and then a landscape in the background, this is the style of photography that i will be trying to immitate. Here are some examples of his work.

I really like Arno Rafael Minkkinen work i think it is very clever and effective, i will try and get the same results with my photography work. I will also change my work into black and white as i think that this style of photography looks so much beter when in B&W.

I especially like this photo because he has perfectly captured everything in focus with a strange view of his legs and feet, almost like he is flying. It is also an amazing landscape in the background.

Here is a picture of Arno Rafael Minkkinen that i have edited myself in Photoshop, i tried to get the effect that he was tearing the buildings appart.

First i cut out the two layers on either side, then i moved them slightly towards the edge of the photo. I then used the smudge tool to blend the two buildings and hands into the rest of the photo. It created a blurred effect that gave the phoo great movement.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Ideas for first shoot

Ideas for first shoot-

I will probably travel to the beach in the Poole or sandbanks area and take some pictures of a body part of a friend close up in the front of the image, and then in the background have some landscape of either the cliffs or beach or maybe even some groynes. I then intend to edit these in photo shop into black and white as i think this gives a very strong bleak effect. I will also play with the photos and try to create different effects. I have got the idea of doing this from Bill Brandt's work.

In order to get the whole picture in focus i will either stand back from the body part in the foreground and zoom in. This should mean that the whole picture is in focus, as i don't want the body part or the landscape in the background to be blurred. Another way that i could do this could be by using a high aperture, this should help me to achieve the whole image in focus.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


Bob Martin takes awesome photography of sport, here are some examples. Bob Martin is recognised around the world for his amazing sports photography, he photographs every sport imaginable from golf to football to diving, Bob does it all.

Most large sporting events try to get Bob involved simply because of his amazing work, for example he is in charge of all the photographers at the London 2012 Olympic Games.

Bob is also involved in a lot of judging, he regularly judges photography competitions as bob is a well-known Photographer.

British-born Martin is also the only Sports Illustrated magazine photographer to be based outside the US, following an invitation to work for the American title after the Lillehammer Winter Olympics in 1994.

My Idea

My idea is to photograph the meeting of the sea with the horizon and the sea with the beach. But I will photograph it in new innovative ways. I will also photograph the meeting of the sea with the horizon and beach in different lights and times of day and weather as well. For example on a stormy day, a snowy day a sunny day. To get many different views and effects of the meeting between sea and horizon or beach.

Bill Brandt

I am looking at some of Bill Brandts photography work from the 1900's. I am going to try nd photograph in this style by photographing a body part in the foreground and then a landscape in the background. This will show  the meeting of the close body part with the landscape in the foreground.